4 Questions To Ask When Reaching For Snack Food.
When your reach for snack food is an invitation for self-discovery
Why Do I Eat So Fast?
Sometimes eating behaviors are so deeply automated that a person might never get from wanting-to-change to trying-to-change. This is why understanding safety and threat through the nervous system can be so deeply supportive. Helping people get the understanding can help reduce how disorganized they feel. So, even outside of the session, they are a lot better able to recognize what is going on, to name it, and to do something about it.
How Do I Know If I Can Eat A Cookie?
For anyone who started the behavior of dieting from an early age, it may feel natural (and necessary) to restrict certain foods. One of the most challenging parts of moving away from dieting is the feeling that you are being asked to navigate meal times without a safety net. This post is for you if you are looking for practices to help you find a way to re-learn how to include cookies (or other “fear” foods) back into your eating pattern.
Finding Our Way Back To Safety With Food
Learn actionable steps to answer the question: How do I find my way back to the ventral vagal state and stay there? Being able to regulate to safety is helpful in the practice of moving away from dieting and into an attuned, connected, organized eating style (aka “intuitive eating”) is that when we are in a ventral vagal state of regulation we are more likely to have an optimistic, engaged, big-picture-way of thinking about and being with food.
Story Follows State: The Role Our Nervous System Plays In Our Relationship With Food
How does our nervous system state narrate the story of who we are with food? The Polyvagal Theory is another resource for bringing consciousness to otherwise unconscious behaviors.
A Resolution For True Well-Being.
A new look at New Year’s Resolutions. An alternative to “lose weight”.
Seven Days Of Eating: Because Pumpkins Aren't Just For Jack-O'-Lanterns
Find my favorite pumpkin-inspired dishes on today’s blog
The Invitation Of A Frayed Edge (Saying Goodbye To The Rules)
I’m tired of playing by the rules. I’m not talking about the UNO rules. I would never question such authority.