Having An Emotion Over For Drink

This practice combines two of my favorite activities: eating (or drinking) and pretend play.

When emotions are running high or seem unmanageable, why not try inviting them over for a drink? As in any relationship, we make meaning and find flourishing when we set aside time for intentional checking-in.

Put on your best improv-actor’s hat for this one.

Take a moment to choose an emotion. Perhaps it is one you’ve been avoiding. Or, one that annoys you.

Call the emotion up (or send a text) and invite it over for your favorite beverage.

Visualize the emotion knocking at your door. As you open the door, welcome the emotion in with grace and hospitality. Say, “It’s been too long. I’m glad you’re here.” Take its coat. Give it a comfy seat. Ask what it would prefer to drink. Prepare a drink for yourself and your emotion.

When you sit to join the emotion, take a moment to feel your feet on the floor and legs and back on the chair. Take several slow breaths. Remind yourself and your emotion that this meeting is on your terms. You can ask the emotion to leave at any point if you feel uncomfortable.

Possible conversation starters might be for you to ask your emotion:

What is it that you want to tell me?

Are you most concerned about the past, present, or future?

What do you want?

What do you need me to do?

Have you checked in with the thinking part of me? How about the intuitive part?

End the tête-à-tête by thanking the emotion. Let it know you have seen it and heard it. Thank the emotion for the visit. Once the emotion has been shown to the door, return to your seat and spend a few moments reflecting on the experience. Thank yourself for your courage. As you go through several breath cycles (inhales and exhales), bring your awareness to your body, your thoughts, and the environment around you.


Remove Your Shoes, Please.


Seven Days Of Eating: Because Voting Is Best Done On A Full Stomach.