Seven Days Of Eating: Because Voting Is Best Done On A Full Stomach.

Meal Ideas for the week. 

The purpose of these Seven Days of eating is to offer support, normalize eating, help you to incorporate a wider variety of food, and push back on diet culture. I became a dietitian because I enjoy eating and making food.  I want to help others enjoy and feel safe while eating and making food, too. I do this work to give people MORE options, not less.

Feed yourself and those you love.

This week's meal suggestions got a little wordy. I think I was nervous-writing. Trying not to think too much of the events of next week (aka election day). My jitters came in the form of written-word diarrhea. 


Baked Spaghetti + Pear Salad for when you want to make spaghetti preparation take an additional hour. You may be asking, “Now, Liz. Why would I ever want that?” There are many reasons, but I will offer you two.

One: There may come a day where you have time/energy/interest in making dinner at 3pm. But, no one ever wants dinner at 3pm. They only want popcorn and popsicles and soda pop at that time. This baked spaghetti recipe gives you a chance to make the meal while they eat their snack and watch their show (which is people playing minecraft on YouTube...I don’t get it). Then, while the dish bakes, you can lay down in your bed and rest (while they watch more shows), take a long shower (while they watch more shows), watch your own show (while they watch more shows), or go for a walk (with them or while another capable adult supervises them watching more shows). The watching of more shows is optional, of course, but I want to normalize TV watching in this space. 

Two: Meal prep for the win! You are a strong, independent woman who cares about time management and money management. A one-dish-meal (aka casserole) boils down to good ol’ home economics. You don’t have to be a mom of young kids to appreciate and value time to yourself, a balanced meal that “keeps well” in the frig or freezer, or a night off (or several nights off) of cooking that does not require take-out. 

Teriyaki Stir Fry Kit + Turmeric Garlic RiceBaked Salmon for when you want to be like that professionally trained and brilliant home cook on social media. My friend and colleague, Ashley Munro, has the best ideas. She posts recipes on her blog and in her Instagram stories/posts. Ashley posted this meal in her IG stories last week. I love her idea so much, I reached out to tell her, “I think what I love most about your approach to meal prep is that even though you went to culinary school, you cleverly incorporate pre-made/convenience foods into your meals.” 

Turkey, Cheddar, and Green Apple Sandwich for when you are out of lettuce and you want that extra crunch to an old-standby.  Adding apple slices to a sandwich is a real pro-move. Don’t knock it until you try it. Play around with the type of apple and the variety of cheese. I think brie would go well and also cream cheese. My kids only like American cheese right now. Today’s processed cheese product is tomorrow’s mild cheddar. Or not. Eat what tastes and feels good to you.

Pot Roast for when you want to fix it and forget it. Crockpots will save us WHEN WE REMEMBER TO USE THEM AT 7AM! Thank goodness for the crockpot’s cool cousin, the Instant Pot. I believe a woman invented the Instant Pot because (1) multi-tasking and the (2) working faster-not-harder aspect. Also, the pressure cooker is a metaphor for women. We feel like pressure cookers because we must keep our cool with the son who demands help and to do-it-himself AT THE SAME TIME. And because we need to continually call people out of their rooms to shut the cupboard doors. And to keep us confident in our hoodies when cropped shirts are trying to make a come-back. And because, in the workplace, we are expected to shake hands firmly (yet femininely) while making eye contact warmly (yet confidently). And, And, And… Now, what we do with that pressure is another story for another time. For the moment, there is this great pot roast to enjoy.

Sweet Potato & Quinoa Chili with Cornbread for when you need a hearty, stew-of-a-meal to  warm you from the inside out. This vegetarian option can be made the day before and eaten for several meals after. Freeze it if you tire of it before finishing the pot. Also, fiber! This recipe is a fiber powerhouse. My favorite traits about fiber are that fiber is a complex carbohydrate that serves to (1) keep us feeling full for a longer period of time, (2) slow the rate at which glucose (the simplest form of carbohydrate moves from our GI tract into our bloodstream (thus helping to regulate blood sugar) and (3) help us poop! Sweet potatoes? Fiber. Beans? Fiber. Quinoa? Fiber. 

Two chicken-centered sheet pan meals: Buffalo Chicken Fries for when we want to pretend we are back in college at that sports bar and 10pm was the beginning of the night. And you were happy about that (circa 1995). And, Garlic Herb Chicken & Potatoes for nourishment to sustain you when you want to say “yes!” to your child who begs to have no-food-touching-ever-ever-ever and “no!” to that same child who begs to please-stay-up-past-8pm. Because a night ending at 8pm is the best kind of night (#2020). To the child who wants to stay out, because no matter when you go to sleep, you wake me up at 5:30am. Every. Single. Morning.

Cheesy Meatball Sliders for when you want an adorable mini-sandwich and because Hawaiian rolls are soft and sweet. If you have the energy to make the meatballs from scratch, go for it. If not, please treat yourself to frozen meatballs from the freezer section of the grocery store. While you’re there, pick up a bag of frozen vegetables - pre-seasoned or with sauce - to serve on the side. 

Wondering what fruit to serve for snacks or as the perfect side to a meal? Check out this post that leads the reader through seasonal fruits of November. 


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